Unequal Ground: Race and Social Inequality in America Today

A Faculty Discussion Featuring: Leah Boustan, Sarah Haley, Keith Camacho, Kelly Lytle Hernandez and Peter James Hudson Moderated by Cheryl I. Harris For articles by the panelists please click on the titles below. "Was Postwar Suburbanization "White Flight"? Evidence From the Black Migration by Leah Boustan "Who Killed Robert McCulloch's Father?" by Peter James Hudson […]

Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Workshop with Christopher Lebron

Chris Lebron (Assistant Professor Philosophy & African American Studies, Yale University) is the author of The Color of Our Shame: Race and Justice in Our Time. The book received the American Political Science Foundation Award for Best First Book in Political Theory. He will be workshopping his paper, "The Sense and Sensibility of Equality." This is […]

Anthropology 2015 Goldschmidt Lecture by John Jackson

"Thick Depiction: Anxiety, Anthropology, and Film/Video" presented by John L. Jackson, Jr., Dean of the School of Social Policy & Practice and the Richard Perry University Professor of Communication, Anthropology, and Africana Studies, University of Pennsylvania. More about the lecture.

From Healing to Action: Advancing Policing Equity

This interactive campus forum will examine issues which have not been a substantial part of the national conversation, including root causes of police violence, policing as it relates to women, best practices with law enforcement and emotional wellness. Please RSVP and join us for this dynamic event!

Falling Walls Lab: Apply Now!

Application deadline: May 30, 2015 Apply online at www.falling-walls.com/lab The Falling Walls Lab takes place on June 20, 2015 at the HSEC Auditorium, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla 92093 Win a Scholarship and a Trip to Berlin A distinguished jury selects the winner who • travels to Berlin on November 8-9, 2015 • qualifies directly […]

“Dear White People” Film Screening and Discussion

UCLA Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Scott Waugh, African American Studies Department, Institute of American Cultures, Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies, Luskin School of Public Affairs, and School of Theater, Film and Television, present: "Dear White People" – Film Screening and Discussion 6:00 p.m.   Reception in the James Bridges Theater Lobby 7:00 p.m.   Screening of multiple award-winning film Dear White […]

Human Caging in the 21st Century: Mass Incarceration Awareness Week UCLA

The Class of '68 Criminal Justice Reform Workgroup Presents Human Caging in the 21st Century: Mass Incarceration Awareness Week UCLA. Monday- May 4th 5PM-7PM: American Crime and Punishment Exploring Implicit Bias and the Criminal Justice System through television UCLA Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium Tuesday- May 5th 5PM-7PM Convicted and Unashamed Panel moderated by Justin Christopher […]

Annual Colloquium Series: Black Lives Matter

Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, co-sponsored with the Department of African American Studies & the Gary Nash Chair in US History Annual Colloquium Series PRESENTS Black Lives Matter Discussant: Robin D.G. Kelley Gary Nash Chair, Department of History, UCLA For more information call Center for Social Theory and Comparative History (310) 206-5675 or email: […]