Dress & Power with Kennedi Carter & Taylor Renee Aldridge

The Fowler Museum at UCLA,  in partnership with the California African American Museum, is proud to present the work of Kennedi Carter & curator Taylor Renee Aldridge!  The event will be on Thursday, Oct. 21 from 4-5pm online (see registration link).

The program will explore Carter’s recent series, Flexing/New Realm, which features portraits of friends in historically-inspired costumes and poses. Carter’s work will serve as a catalyst for a conversation about photography as a device for Black people to self-image; ways in which Black Americans use their artworks to communicate ideas of Blackness and its relationship to wealth, power, respect, and belonging; and the practice of Black artists who subvert power dynamics of traditional art historical portraits by placing Black sitters in traditionally white contexts.


To register for this event and find out more information, click here.